
We at Proteus meticulously curate thoughtfully prepared content covering the extensive topography of biology. We aspire to make biology accessible, amusing and clear-sighted.

Special Articles!

How is Gender and Sex a Spectrum. link here


Erevna looks into papers and techniques, with a special focus on making the heavier aspects of biology accessible and easily digestible.

Recent articles
  1. Left Handedness Research- Developments in the Last Half Century
  2. T-Cell Transfer Therapy
  3. Prey Survival by Predator Intimidation

Humans are often guilty of projecting their own traits on others, and animals are no exception. Through this series, explore the various facets of human behaviour, as seen in the wild.

Recent articles
  1. Do Animals Dream?
  2. Do Animals Fall Prey to the Green-Eyed Monster?
  3. Do Animals Love?

A series to celebrate the lives and works of the scores of brilliant scientists through the ages, present and past, who continue to inspire us through their rich legacies.

Recent articles
  1. Félix Manuel de Azara
  2. Edward O. Wilson
  3. Ramdeo Mishra

Sports science, as the name suggests, is all about looking at sports through the lens of a scientist. Every aspect of sports, from training to habits, has a scientific basis, and that's what we hope to bring to light.

Recent articles
  1. Predict the Unpredictable
  2. Static Stretching: Is It Helping or Hindering You?
  3. Can Genetics Explain The Success of East African Runners?

Labs are where the magic happens, and there is no shortage of interesting anecdotes along the path of scientific discovery. This series celebrates the journey that can often be arduous, but is worth it in the end.

Recent articles
  1. A Fortuitous Mistake that Saved Lives- The Invention of the first Implantable Pacemaker
  2. the story behind telomerase. no caps!
  3. When Your Sibling Is a Chimp

Dark biology is an exciting compilation of forbidding stories and anecdotes in biology with a tone of science. This series unravels the mysteries behind the scary tales and legendary myths on the less explored sinister side of biology.

Recent articles
  1. Project Coast
  2. Aqua Tofana